- How much?
- Hundred and 20.
- You pay the utilities.
- It's a steal.
Well, you gotta know how to shop.
I could get along on just toast and tea...
as long as I have
my chocolate bars.
My husband's the problem.
He loves his meat.
Been in the hospital
for five weeks now.
I've heard from him
about three times.
Every time I call,
they say, "He'll pull through,"
but they never tell me
when he's comin' home.
I never miss him when he's home.
But I miss him a lot
when he's in the hospital.
lfhe were here,
I'd have someone to argue with.
I'd find him a nice piece of meat.
- I have a pet.
- Huh?
- I have a pussycat.
- Why the hell are you wasting my time?
No cats. No dogs.
No animals. Get out of here!
Have you got 35 cents?
Why 35?
I want to buy a mink coat.
- There you are.
- Ah, thank you. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
I think I'll go to Chicago.
Spend a few weeks with Shirley.
Pop, it's freezing in Chicago.
I want to see her.
Besides, I think it'd be good for all of us...
to have a little vacation from each other.
I called Shirley yesterday.
It's all set.
Why didn't you tell me that, Pop?
- How is she?
- She sounded fine.
Sends you her love.
I think you're makin'
a big mistake, Pop.
Uh, just double-park, Burt.
I'll do this myself.
Pop, at least let me
buy the plane ticket.