Well, this parcel contains
one cat, one piece of shag rug...
a rubber "mousy,"
and about a half a pound of kitty litter.
Wet kitty litter.
Sir, you're holding up the line.
What the hell do you think
I've got in here, a submachine gun?
- Sir, would you come this way, please?
- What?
I said I'd like to talk
to you here for a minute.
- Where?
- I would like to talk to you.
This way.
I want my bag back!
- That was a short trip.
- It's the brown job with the black strap.
- Where can I get a bus to Chicago?
- At the bus station.
How much does it cost
to go to the bus station?
- About 10 bucks.
- It's a deal.
There we go.
It's not far, is it?
My cat is thirsty.
- Oh, is that a cat in there, sir?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna have to charge you for it
as if it was luggage.
All right.
Hey, are you a salesman?
Yeah. I'm one of the last
of your traveling salesmen.
We don't see many
of you fellas anymore.
We're a dying breed.
- What do you sell?
- Cats.
Oh, is that so?
Let me tell you something.
Times are bad. Don't you believe
what they're saying in the papers about a recession.
- We're in a depression.
- You better believe it.
Time was when
I could go into a town...
sell six or seven cats
before lunchtime.
Siamese, Burmese, Manx, Persian.
Hey, my mom had a Persian.