The Godfather: Part II

Had this happened some place else,
we couldn't have helped you.

When I woke up, I was on the floor.
- And I don't know how it happened.
- You can't remember?

I passed out.
Just a game. Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus God!
Oh God!
I don't know, and I don't understand
why I can't remember.

Doesn't matter, just do as I say.
Put in a call to your office.
Explain that you'll be there tomorrow.

You decided to spend the night at
Michael Corleone's house in Tahoe.

- As his guest.
- I do remember that she was laughing.

We'd done it before, and I know
that I could not have hurt that girl.

This girl has no family.
Nobody knows that she worked here.

It'll be as though she never existed.
All that's left is our friendship.
