The Missiles of October

As Robert Grave wrote about matadors-
bull fight critics row upon row
crowd the enormous plaza de toros.
But, only one is there who knows
and he is the one that fights the bull.
These are the stills from
yesterday's over flight,

Mr. President.
They show 29 missile pads
in various stages of construction.

They're building two types
of missiles down there,

the 1,000 mile, medium-range,
mobile field weapons,

which can be transported,
and the 2200 mile,

intermediate missile,
which must be fired from fixed position.

Both are first strike weapons.
They will provide a launch capacity
in excess of 40 nuclear weapons.

The Aleutian 28 Soviet bombers now being
assembled in Cuba

can hit all of Florida
as far as Savannah, Pensacola,

and parts of Central America.
The medium-range missile
threatens one-third

of the United States,
including Washington, DC, St. Louis,

Dallas, Panama Canal,
and all of Central America.

The intermediate-range missile capability
reaches nearly

all of the United States,
southeastern Canada,

and all of Mexico, Central America,
Panama Canal,

and much of South America.
Do we have any, hard
photographic evidence

that the nuclear warheads
for these missiles

are actually in Cuba?
No, sir.
Why not?
They are comparatively small and easy
to conceal, Mr. President,
but you can rest assured
that they're there somewhere.

How can I be certain?
Those Soviet ICBM's are only compatible
with nuclear warheads.

The Soviet Union this morning
successfully fired

two multi-stage missiles 7500 miles
to bulls-eye landings

in the central Pacific.
An American high-altitude nuclear test
in the Pacific

failed today for the fourth time
in five tries,
