The Missiles of October

when a fore-rocket malfunctioned.
All right now, gentlemen, can we,
very clearly and economically

run down the diplomatic possibilities
as you've analyzed them,

one, two, three, and so on.
The first possibility, Bobby,
is to confront Gromyko

with our evidence and our demands.
And whas his probable response?
I view of past performance,
no doubt, he'd deny everything

and we'd have tipped our hand
without improving out situation.

Yes, I agree, thas unacceptable.
Now the second possibility
is send an emissary

directly to Khrushchev
with a message from the President

demanding that he remove
the missiles at once.

Now, as to that, Bobby,
Khrushchev's obvious ploy

would be to admit to the President
what the President already knows,

and then to call for a conference
or a summit to resolve the crisis.

See, that way, he'd be talking
while the bases became operational.
Yes, which is precisely
what we're doing now.

Anything else?
Yes, now, the third track
we considered, Bobby,

involves sending an emissary
directly to Castro

and putting out the danger to Cuba
of a nuclear confrontation there.

The objection is that the bases
are under direct Russian control.

Even if we could influence Castro,
there's no reason to assume that
he could divert Russian policy.

In a way, the missiles
hold Castro hostage.

Is there a fourth possibility?
Yes, sir, there is.
A fourth possibility would be
to by-pass the Russians completely,

and to take the entire issue
to the UN at a strategic moment

of our own choosing.
The difficulty, Ambassador,
as you well know,

is that the Soviet Union can veto us
in the Security Council.

And to make matters worse,
Zorin's chairman there this month.

I see.
So, it doesn't appear that any
of the diplomatic channels

will do the job.
Well, we'll have to use diplomatic
channels to explain and to justify

our actions to the rest of the world.
And, ultimately,
we'll have to find an accommodation

with the Soviets.
But diplomacy in and of itself
will not remove the missiles.

It appears that we've boiled down
to two options, and only two.

We bomb them or we blockade.
Whas the consensus?
There isn't one yet,
but I think if we took a vote today,

we'd be bombing tomorrow.
What about you?
How, from the love of God,
can President Kennedy
