The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat

What? I think
you dropped something.

What? I dropped something?
I put the soap
in your hand, you see...

and you seem
to have let it go.

Dropped it, like...
almost like you weren't
interested in washing at all!

I was not conscious of this.
It is simple to see,
Mein Fuhrer.

You're real motivations
are blocked here.

What is blocked?

It's a new word.
It means what's inside
can't get outside.

Some kind of
Freudian horseshit.

Oh, inside, can't get out...
You're a nice boy.
I'm going to make
a confession.

Sometimes, I would like
to be a ballet dancer.

Really? No kidding?
I often see myself in the opera.
Oh, wow.
And the people
are applauding me!

Well, sure they would.
There you go! You see?
That means this whole
number you're doing--

this conquest
of the world thing...

or whatever it is,
is just to get attention.

you should say that...

but I am washing, see, now?
So why did I drop the soap?
Well, that,
my dear Herr Hitler...

is a question
you must ask yourself...

when you wrestle with
the true identity, you know.

I mean, in the dawning
of self-awareness...

between you
and your pillow, man...

when after the labors
of sleepless nights...

you gained the exalted heights
of the altar of truth!

You have insight.
When I see something
I want, I grab it.

Sure, why not?
And my stomach doesn't stop
to ask my head if it's hungry.

No, that figures.
By the way,
what is your name?

Well, Fritz, you say
you once had three balls?
