The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat

Ahem. Gentlemen,
I've been up and down...

the four corners
of this big old world...

and I've seen it all,
and I've done it all.

I've fought many a good man
and laid many a good woman.

And I've had riches, fame,
and adventure, too.

Yes. I've stood
eyeball-to-eyeball with death...

countless times
and never, never once squinted.

Oh, I've tasted life
to the fullest...

and still my tortured soul
cries out--more!

More! Oh, shit!
God, can there be any more?

How do it feel, Fritz?
I mean,
Mars ain't around the corner.

You're so right.
Hey, would you like
to discuss this in private?

Gee, you got
a lovely pair of eyes.

In private?
Sure. Listen, doll...
I'd kind of like
to give you a break.

You know,
kind of help pay back...

for what my people
did to your people.

Yeah? What kind of a break?
Well, you know, an exclusive--
an inside story.

Fritz, wait a second!
Wait! Come on, what about us?

What about a statement?
Give us a break, man, come on.

We interrupt this telecast
of the first flight to Mars...

for a message
of real importance.
