The Odessa File

Herr Marx?
May I sit down?
I´d Iike to taIk to you about your friend,
SaIomon Tauber.

-He´s dead.
-Yes, I know.

Are you an officiaI?
Not from the authorities?
-The poIice?
-I´m a journaIist. Peter MiIIer.

Before your friend took his Iife...
...he set down his experiences
at Riga Concentration Camp.

A diary.
You were at Riga, too?
In the diary, your friend
wrote about an SS officer...

...named Roschmann.
Captain Eduard Roschmann.
I want to find out anything I can about him.
Maybe even he´s stiII aIive.
Roschmann is stiII aIive.
-How do you know?
-SaIomon saw him.

Yes, I read that. That was in 1945.
That was three weeks ago.
Here in Hamburg.

Are you sure?
He saw him coming out of the opera
with some friends.

Why didn´t he go to the poIice?
He did. He reported it.
But the poIice said he had no evidence.
That´s why he kiIIed himseIf.
You see, he´d come up against the Odessa.
The Odessa?
He shouId have been Iike me.
AII I care about is getting a boat to IsraeI,
that´s aII I want.
