Toute une vie

The shoe factory in Rome
and its branches
in Naples and Turin;

the shoe factory in Paris,
and branches in Rouen and Lille;

the tannery in Bern;
70% of Goldman stocks,
totaling an annual gross
of $600 million;

the $1 million
Rothschild Bank account;

24 old masters paintings
valued at $2 million,

and the Deauville
country-house and grounds.

Madame, you are now
a very wealthy woman.

One of the major problems
in the world

is that someone noticed
that a son looks like his father.

So inheritance was invented.
It's the height of inequality.
Inheritance will ruin capitalism,
inheritance will ruin you.

- Look at the Bay of Rio.
- Another postcard!

I wish you could see
postcards like this every day.

- What are you interested in?
- Men!

- One man in particular.
- Exactly.

You know,
men are like the sun.

They don't shine every day.
I don't care,
I've got an umbrella.

You'd better have a big one.
- My feet hurt.
- Serves you right.

You never had the guts
to wear Goldman's shoes.

- The World's Warmest!
- In Rio?

Warm but airy!
"She'd heard her father
without really listening.

Now she listened desperately,
but couldn't hear him.

She'd gotten used to his advice,
his criticism,

his words were
like a daily drug

she's grown addicted to
without noticing it.

When death arrived,
she went into withdrawal
like a drug addict.

Like any drug addict,
she found it unbearable.
