Grey Gardens

Jerry's pretty good at waiting on me.
He can find things here that
I wouldn't find for half an hour.

- [ David ] Jerry; the major domo.
- I'm so sick of that kid.

- I have great pity for him.
- Lois says--
Well;you know the trouble.

- And I like him, but--
- Lois says-- You know the trouble.

-[ David ] What ?
- The trouble is,
he's madly in love with Edie.

I said I thought Edie was madly
in love with him. Pardon me.

He might as well leave right now,
'cause he's never gonna get it.

- So that's it.
- Get what ? Sex with you ?

- What he's after.
- He doesn't want any sex with you.

- Well, that's all they're after.
-An old person like you ? Good God!

- So why don't you tell him right now ?
- Unheard of. Unheard of.

- You should tell him right now
so I'm not bothered by him.
- He doesn't want sex.

He's got about six girls
in East Hampton. He's so busy.

- No, but the point is, he thinks--
- I don't know what he's doing.

He's out every single night
with a different girl.

- Yeah, but that's,
that's the point, you see.
- He had a wonderful time.

- He's gonna be here for years
and years. I see this coming.
- He enjoys himself thoroughly.

- I hope.
- The guy's gonna be here
for years and years.

- I doubt that.
- It's gonna be one of those things.

Like Tom Logan.
Aren't you gonna feed Whiskers; Edie ?
Come on; go in and feed Whiskers.
Now, don't eat it.
Give it to Whiskers, please.

- You're thin. You want to get thin.
- She's very mean to me.

No. I have to be very strict.
The priest said she needed
a very strict hand.

[ Laughs ]
What the priest told me.

[ Imitating Irish Accent ]
''She sure needs a very strong
hand, your daughter.''

And I tried to give it to her,
you know that ?

After Mr. Beale, you know,
stopped living in East Hampton,

I had a terrible
hard time with Edie.

She just went wild after
her father wasn't living here.

She went wild, absolutely wild.
I couldn't do anything
with her at all.

Isn't it awful
when a dancer gets fat ?
