
...that a lot of these attacks
werert reported?

That's right.
Now this shark that swims alone,
what's it called?

- Rogue.
- Rogue, yeah.

Now, this guy...
...he keeps swimmir around in a place
where the feeding is good...

...until the food supply is gone. Right?
- That's called territoriality.

It's just a theory
that I happen to agree with.

Then why don't we have one more drink
and go down and cut that shark open?

Can you do that?
I can do anything. I'm the Chief of Police.
We start in the alimentary canal...
...open the digestive tract.
- Just like I thought.
- What?

Came up from the Gulf Stream
from southern waters.

He didn't eat a car, did he?
Tiger shark's like a garbage can.
It'll eat anything.

Somebody probably threw that in the river.
That's it.
I've got to close the beach, call the Mayor.
Y ou got a bigger problem than that.
Y ou still got a hell of a fish out there...
