Monty Python and the Holy Grail

What happens now?
Now Lancelot, Galahad and I...
wait until nightfall,
and then leap out of the rabbit...

taking the French by surprise.
Not only by surprise,
but totally unarmed.

Who leaps out?
Lancelot, Galahad and I...
leap out of the rabbit and--
Look, if we built
this large, wooden badger--

Run away!
- Feature for schools. Take eight.
- Action.

Defeat at the castle seems to
have utterly disheartened King Arthur.

The ferocity of the French taunting
took him completely by surprise.

And Arthur became convinced
that a new strategy was required...

if the quest for the Holy Grail were to
be brought to a successful concIusion.

Arthur, having consulted
his cIosest knights...

decided that they should separate
and search for the Grail individually.

Now this is what they did.
"The Tale of Sir Robin. "
So each of the knighfs
went fheir separate ways.

Sir Robin rode north
fhrough the dark foresf of Ewing...

accompanied by his favorife minsfrels.
Bravely, bold Sir Robin
rode forfh from Camelot
