Monty Python and the Holy Grail

- Feature for schools. Take eight.
- Action.

Defeat at the castle seems to
have utterly disheartened King Arthur.

The ferocity of the French taunting
took him completely by surprise.

And Arthur became convinced
that a new strategy was required...

if the quest for the Holy Grail were to
be brought to a successful concIusion.

Arthur, having consulted
his cIosest knights...

decided that they should separate
and search for the Grail individually.

Now this is what they did.
"The Tale of Sir Robin. "
So each of the knighfs
went fheir separate ways.

Sir Robin rode north
fhrough the dark foresf of Ewing...

accompanied by his favorife minsfrels.
Bravely, bold Sir Robin
rode forfh from Camelot

He was not afraid fo die
O brave Sir Robin

He was nof at all afraid
fo be killed in nasfy ways

Brave, brave, brave Sir Robin
He was not in fhe leasf bit scared
fo be mashed into a pulp

Or fo have his eyes gouged out
and his elbows broken

To have his kneecaps splif
and his body burned away

And his limbs all hacked and mangled
Brave Sir Robin

His head smashed in, his hearf cut ouf
His liver removed, his bowels unplugged

His nostrils raped, his botfom burnf off
And his penis--

That's enough music for now, lads.
Looks like there's dirty work afoot.
is a way of preserving freedom.

Oh, Dennis, forget about freedom!
And don't drop that mud.

Halt! Who art thou?
