Night Moves

-ls she taking it?
-She wants to see it in place.

When are we going bowling again?
You get some weird satisfaction
from this sort of thing, don't you?

Are you the kind of detective
who, once you get on a case...

...nothing can get you off it?
Bribes, beatings.

-The allure of a woman--
-That was true in the old days.

Before we had a union.
My daughter Delly--
Or would you believe Delilah?

My husband was a film producer
who wanted to produce biblical epics.

-Well, she's gone.
-How long gone?

Two weeks. l'm used to her staying
out nights. At first l didn't worry.

How old is she?
You got any idea what she does
with her spare time or...?

Oh, yeah. She--
She hangs out with freaks.

She smokes marijuana.
Gets laid, l daresay.
Do you have a name for any of these
freaks that she hangs out with?

Yeah. A creep called Quentin.
l called him, and he told me
Delly had left town.

Told me not to bother him and hung up.
Do you have an address for Quentin?
-And l'll need a picture of Delly.

Preferably one taken in natural light.
This is my second husband,
Tom lverson. The bum.

The only thing l got
out of him was a new name.

That's after l quit acting.
Did you ever see me in anything?
l was never big, not really big.
There were a lot like me.
You know, studio premieres,
studio romances, not much talent.
