Starsky and Hutch

That’s me in the leather jacket
and tight jeans.

See that guy I’m chasing? I hate him.
And I’m gonna do everything
in my power to stop him,

cos it’s my job to stop him.
And the city pays me
a damn good salary to do my job.

Besides, he crossed the line.
And in Bay City when you cross the line
your nuts are mine.
I said freeze.
My name is David Starsky,
and I’m a cop.

I’ve always had this theory
about police work.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
No, no. No, no.
Put the money in there.
Too many cops worry
about the wrong thing: crime.

Not me, though.
I’m lookin’ out for numero uno.

- Hey, old-timer, put this on Dallas.
- Let’s go.

I’m just a realist, that’s all.
And besides, do you have any idea
how little the city pays us?

- Freeze. Bay City PD.
- Whoa. Whoa. Take it easy.

Guys, come on.
I’m undercover here.
My name is Ken Hutchinson,
and I’m a cop.

Where’d they come from?
Jesus Christ, Starsky. You fired
three rounds into a crowded intersection.

We got an old man with a broken hip,
and some asshole wants me
to buy a new top for his Caddy.
