Switchblade Sisters

And look who's comin'.
- Hey, Dom!
- Hey, Dom!

Hey, baby.
I got somethin' f or ya.
Where'd you get this?
Out of a grab bag.
You're one hell
of a f ox, baby.

Jobo, let's have some burgers
f or the ladies.

[ Jobo ]
Y eah, Dom.

H-Hey, Dom. Could you maybe
pay f or 'em this time?

Well, you know,
the prices are goin' up,

and I can't get
a loan at the bank.

You what?
Uh, it's okay. Leave him alone.
The Debs are payin'.

Lace, if the Debs are payin',
you think I could have...

a double cheeseburger,
some french fries, and a coleslaw?

- What?
- I'm really hungry.

Aw, she's hungry.
- Look, guys. I caught a piggy.
- Ow!

What'd I do, Lace?
- Squeal!
- Oink.

- Louder!
- Oh. Oink, oink, oink.

[ Lace ]
Oh, is Donut a piggy?

Y es, Jesus, I'm a piggy!
Now you're gettin' nothin'.
You understand?

You're gonna sit there and watch the
rest of us eat until we're finished.

Let's sit down.
I'm starving.

New around here?
Like the table?
Y eah, it's okay.
T oo bad you have to leave.
