Switchblade Sisters

I'd smell her
stinking perfume!

Stop it now!
You just stop it!

You gonna let her
take it all from you?

Or are you gonna act
like the Lace I know?

Just pull yourself
together, girl,

and start thinkin' how you gonna
pay that bitch back.

And you f orget you ever saw Crabs,
you understand?

[ Car Approaching ]
Hey, cupcake, I wanna
talk to you f or a minute.

Look it, I don't know nothin',
I didn't do nothin'.

You think those hoods are gonna stick up
f or a fat squirt like you? Wise up.

Maybe she'd remember
on her way downtown.

You heard her.
She don't know nothin'.

So, unless you, uh,
got probable cause,

keep your hands off
my friend, huh?

A couple of gangs beat up
some innocent people...

at the roller rink
the other night.

We don't like that to happen.
It don't reflect well on us.

Hey, Bunny. You seen any gangs
around here lately?

- Gangs?
- Y eah.

Uh, I seen a couple of stray pigs
rootin' around.

[ Laughing ]
Y eah, laugh it up, smart mouth.
Your turn'll come.

Look, get somethin'
straight, honey.

I don't care if you blow
each other's guts out.

Hell, I'm glad.
You save me the trouble.

But somebody clean gets hurt,
and I'll squash ya.

You understand?
Come on, Donut.
It's beginning to stink
around here.

I've had it.
We sit around here any longer,
and we'll have to crawl back to school.

Crabs has taken over, and nobody
is lifting a finger to stop him!

Shit. Half our guys
are still out of commission.

Look, the cops are on to us now.
They're gonna be watching.

- That's all they'll be doing.
- Long as it ain't their
throats that get cut.
