The Eiger Sanction

You're getting warm now.
- That narrows it to 3,000 or 4,000 men.
- Fewer than that.

We know which mountain he will climb.
- And?
- The Eiger.

- North face, of course.
- That is correct.

You are familiar with it?
You know I am.
I tried to climb it twice.
It tried to kill me twice.

If the target's trying to climb the Eiger...
...chances are my work
could be done for me.

I cannot trust to chance.
The only climb planned
for the Eiger is a goodwill climb...

...with a team from Germany, Austria...
...France and the United States.
The target is one of the other climbers.
The Frenchman,
the German or the Austrian.

We are continuing to work
to try to identify him.

Undoubtedly, we will have his name...
...before it is necessary
for you to climb the Eiger.

You're passing over one small matter,
and that is payment.

Naturally, considering the rigors
of the assignment...

...we intend to be generous.
You will receive $30,000.
I'm sure that's more than you expected.
More than I expected,
but less than I'll receive.

I'll receive $100,000 plus expenses,
of course.

You recognize that this is outrageous!
I'm viewing this as retirement pay.
This is definitely my last assignment.
You are punishing us for
using Jemima Brown, is that it?

You need me to perform the sanction,
pay the money.

You drive a hard bargain, Hemlock...
...but to show you there are
no hard feelings...

...l'm going to give you a bonus.
- Pardon me while I choke.
- You will appreciate this.
