The Return of the Pink Panther

- Idiot!
- How could I know he was the bank manager?

- Or that the bank was being robbed (!)
- Correct.

What is correct?
I did not know the bank was being robbed
because I was engaged in my sworn duty
as a police officer.

You didn't even arrest the old beggar.
There was some question as to whether
he or his meenkey was breaking the law.

- Meenkey?
- What?

- You said meenkey!
- Correct. Chimpanzee meenkey.

So I let them both off with a warning.
The beggar was the lookout man
for the gang.

Impossible. He was blind.
How can a blind man be a lookout?

- How can an idiot be a policeman?
- Simple. All he has to do is to enlist...

Shut up!
- How do you know he was blind?
- Because he told me so.

- He told you so. You believed him?
- I had no reason to doubt him.

Do you believe me if I tell you that I'm not
going to get you suspended for six months?

If you say so, sir, yes.
I'm a bigger liar than the beggar.
You are suspended for six months,
without pay.

- Six months?
- Effective immediately. Anything to say?

- Could you lend me 50 francs?
- Will you get out of my sight!

My blood pressure... Idiot.
One day, Francois, I'll be rid of him forever.
That'll be the day!

- Something on your mind?
- An order from the Commissioner.

- Oh, yes?
- It concerns Clouseau.

Go on.
He's to be reinstated as an inspector.
What? You can't be serious.
And he is to report immediately
to Colonel Sharki in Lugash.

I see...
