The Return of the Pink Panther

I came home and I found him in the living
room. He pays for his room and board.

Then the meenkey is breaking the law.
But he doesn't play any musical instrument.
City ordinance 132R prohibits the begging.
How do you know so much
about the city ordinance?

What sort of stupid question is that?
Are you blind?

- Yes.
- Oh, I see, yes. Yes, of course.

You happen to be talking to a police officer,
and because I expect to be transferred
back to the detective division,

I'll let you off with a warning.
Thank you, monsieur.
- You must get yourself a proper licence!
- First thing tomorrow.

Try to do something
about your filthy meenkey.

Oh, one moment!
- Arretez!
- Idiot!
- How could I know he was the bank manager?

- Or that the bank was being robbed (!)
- Correct.

What is correct?
I did not know the bank was being robbed
because I was engaged in my sworn duty
as a police officer.

You didn't even arrest the old beggar.
There was some question as to whether
he or his meenkey was breaking the law.

- Meenkey?
- What?

- You said meenkey!
- Correct. Chimpanzee meenkey.

So I let them both off with a warning.
The beggar was the lookout man
for the gang.

Impossible. He was blind.
How can a blind man be a lookout?

- How can an idiot be a policeman?
- Simple. All he has to do is to enlist...

Shut up!
- How do you know he was blind?
- Because he told me so.

- He told you so. You believed him?
- I had no reason to doubt him.

Do you believe me if I tell you that I'm not
going to get you suspended for six months?
