The Return of the Pink Panther

And you know what that is? Instinct!
That rare ability to know immediately
without having to stop and reason.

In my business it can easily mean
a difference between life and death.

I'll get it.
Ah, thank you.
Yes, that split-second timing
when instinct tells you...

That... Arghhh!
Infamous powers are at work.
The instant you assign me to a case, the
underworld hears about it and I am set upon.

Cato is in hospital.
They nearly blew his little yellow skin off.
It's amazing I am still alive.

Amazing is not the word.
Do I detect something in your voice
that says I'm in disfavour with you?

Yes. I wish you were dead.
- Of course you're entitled to your opinion.
- And you're not! Out of my sight!

You want me to leave?
If you're not out in five seconds,
I won't be responsible for my actions!

Five seconds is nothing.
I can easily be out of here in three...

- But if you really want...
- I've had enough!

Oh, thank you very much.
A very amusing clever little gadget,
but of course my instinct told me that...

Something the matter?
Are you not feeling well??

My blood pressure... My pills...
You're killing me.

Perhaps some water?
You have a defective carafe.
Allow me to blot you. I will blot you.

My aunt suffered from high blood pressure.
She was attended successfully
by Dr August Ball from Nice.
