The Return of the Pink Panther

Thank you very much.
- Your gloves?
- Of course.

Your hat?
- Grazie, signor.
- Prego.

Oui, monsieur?
- Do you have a rheum?
- A "rheum"...?

- What?
- You said, do I have a "rheum".

I know what I said!
I said, "Do you have a rheum?"

You mean, do I have a room?
That's what I have been saying, you fool!
Do you have a reservation?
I am Inspector Clouseau of the Surete.
I am here on official police business.
Whether it's official or not, this is the height
of the season and the hotel is full.

Listen, my friend.
This is a matter of national importance.
If you continue to be difficult,
I shall have to speak with my superiors.
In that case, monsieur...
We do have...a rheum.
I thought as much.
Nature of your visit to Lugash, Dr Tanny?
Business or pleasure?
