
I invented that eight years ago
when I was eating dinner.

Rocky, your pay-day
will be $1 50,000.

Any comment?
You got no comment,
Rocky, right?

- No.
- No comment. Thank you.

I want to say "Hi"
to my girlfriend.

Yo, Adrian. It's me, Rocky.
Do you believe all this?
- Thank you, Rocky.
- Quit pushing, man!

He's making you out a fool.
I'd break his lips.

Don't bother me.
I guess you'll be looking
for people to help you out.

- Help what?
- Keep you living a clean life.

I do OK, you know.
You need someone
to help with the exercise

or stand by with a towel.
Who cared about me
yesterday?. Nobody.

I'll train myself.
Without good people to help,
you don't have
such a good chance.

Einstein flunked
out of school twice.

That so?
Yeah. Beethoven was deaf.
Helen Keller was blind.

Rocky's got a good chance.
Want me to get you a beer?
Want to do a good deed?
Keep out of my life!

- Did I say something wrong?
- You didn't say nothing.

Right! You didn't
say nothing at all!

I got to go.
Where's the freakin' pretzels?
Where's the pretzels?
Ain't we got any beer?

You were supposed
to pick up some beer.
