St. Ives

Now, about last night.
I met up with a small-time thief
named Boykins, in the Laundromat.

Someone you know?
Past tense.
When I saw him, he was bouncing around
inside a drier with his head on backwards.

That's chicory coffee.
Takes getting used to.

You can say that again.
If you're gonna sit there,
I'll make the bed.

No, no. I like beds that have
already been slept in. They're warmer.

I don't think you understand about Boykins.
Or maybe I didn't make myself clear.

He was dead.
Was that all there was to it?
Maybe for you...
...but it was of some importance
to Boykins.

We had another call this morning.
Another voice wanting ransom
for the ledgers.

He also wanted you to act as a go-between.
He said he'd call tonight at 9:00
with instructions.

I'll be there.
Do you always live like this?
- In cheap hotels?
- Yeah.

By choice?
Why else would anybody live
in a cheap hotel?

- You don't like me, do you?
- I don't like your questions.

As for you...
:18:25're tough, smart...
...and you've got a lot of great-looking
bits and pieces.

I wondered when you'd notice.
It's a little early for me to notice.
Mornings are for getting over the nights.
You should come around in the afternoon.
- Well...
- See you at 9:00.

Are you throwing me out?
No man in his right mind
would throw you out.

It's just that afternoons are better.
- Afternoons are perfect.
- I'll remember that.
