The Cassandra Crossing

Le Docteur Chamberlain est arrive
Dr Chamberlain Yes
This is Col. Steven MacKenzie
US Army Intelligence attached to
the International Health Organization

What can I do for you, Colonel?
Now, listen carefully, Doctor
There's a plague carrier on that train
I repeat, a plague carrier
Pneumonic plague
Dr Chamberlain, this is Dr Stradner
The patient would have contracted
the disease at Geneva

I'll handle it, Dr Stradner
The man is in his late twenties
medium height, Swedish

He's sort of bloated, discoloured
sweaty, if he's not a corpse by now
Oh, my God!
Have you seen him? Yes, yes!
Colonel, your man is on board the train
He is alive
At least, he was an hour ago
Alive?! Well, then, find him
Find him, Doctor!

But it's impossible!
His friend died more than...

Find him, Dr Chamberlain, find him
Search the kitchen area
Hey, do you have a match?
I don't smoke
