The Cassandra Crossing

What the hell are you doing here?
It's no good, I can't make it
What do you mean, you can't make it?
They're all over the top
If you don't believe me, go up and
have a look for yourself

Katerina? Katerina?
Katerina, where are you?

Let's get out of here, quick!
Halley! Come up here!
Tom! You cover us from that end
Haley, cover us there
Why don't you surrender, Doctor?
We're in a hopeless position
What do you mean, hopeless?
We can keep them from eating
Will you stop

Max, there may be one other way
Is it possible to disconnect this part
of the train from the rest?

Each car has its own control box, Doctor
But the electronic coupling is serviced
from underneath

Right there, under the kitchen
How the hell do we cut through here?
For what?

I'm going to try to disconnect this part
of the train from the rest

Theere must be something down here
Jonathan, Jonathan
What about the other people?

I'm thinking about these people
We've got no choice
They're all going to die!
The children!

The girl over there, what's her name?
Jennifer, stop it!
Katerina... Stop it!
But how can I? Stop it!
That's part of the plan
They stand a better chance
of crossing the bridge

Do you understand?
That, how does that work? Gas
Gas? Propane
Gas from where? Propane, here
I'll be back, babe No!
It's all right, I'll be right back, sit down
There's the valve
Remember that valve

Propane is heavy, it sinks
At the slightest spark
the whole thing will blow up

Do you understand?
Just so it doesn't blow the entire train
off the tracks

Now, get any paper, boxes, wood

A ball of twine to use as a fuse
