The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

You don’t have any
brothers or sisters, do you?

That’s something
I can’t even imagine.

- Hey, light the candles, huh?
- Yeah, sure.

- Hey, that’s a pretty dress.
- Thanks.

My father and I bought it
in Morocco.

Hey, they smoke a lot of hash there.
They do a lot of things there.
Did you ever smoke hash?
Hundreds of times.
- Yeah? No kidding?
- Yeah.

You’re a regular hippie, huh?
No, not really.
Go ahead, sit down.
Want some wine?

- Do you?
- No, I hate it.

Me too.
You’re a pretty good cook.
- Is that so surprising?
- I only meant for being 13 and all.

How old do you have to be before
people start treating you like a person?

- Hey, Mario.
- Yeah?

Thanks about the car and stuff.
You know, you may be smart,
but you’re stupid.

I mean, if you wanted to get her car
away from the front of the house...

...why go to all the hassle
of taking it down to the station?

You see, the trick in magic...
:34:29 to do the one thing
so simple and so obvious...

...that no one ever thinks of it.
You see? What’s simpler than putting
the car back where it came from?

Did anyone see you
take her car back to her office?

Jesus, you think I wanna get busted...
...for ripping off old lady Hallet’s
most prized possession?

You know, you don’t even trust me
enough to tell me why I did it.

You did it to help me.
Did you lock her car doors?
