The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

Somebody’s out there. Okay.
Hey, it’s a police car.
Hey, don’t worry. It’s my uncle Ron.
- Hi.
- Hi. Come on in.

Would you like a glass of wine?
Yeah, it’s okay. You’re off duty.
Hey, so, what’s happening, unc?
I mean, where’s your
Playmate of the Week?

She’s waiting outside in the car.
You know, he likes the ones
who look like they were...

...blown up with a bicycle pump,
you know?

What, are you gonna bust us
for drinking here? I won’t have it.

You’re just lucky
I don’t smell any grass.

You got any? L"II buy it cheap.
No respect. No respect for the law.
Respect? You want respect?
He wants respect, and he’s using
his police car to get all his action.

Just the two of you, huh?
My father’s sleeping.
- You met her father?
- Oh, yeah, nice guy.

He had dinner with you, huh?
Hey, how many plates you see here?
I count two. One...

Yeah, okay, okay, wise guy.
All right.

He was tired,
so he went upstairs to bed.

Candlelight, wine and a fireplace.
It’s really very romantic.
Frank Hallet called in twice.
- He said his mother’s missing.
- She’s probably out house-pimping.

Mario don’t like the Hallets.
Me? I don’t think you like them
too much either.

I remember he tried
to get Hallet busted...

...for dragging some little girl
into the bushes.

He couldn’t do it, though.
All Hallet’s mother did
was marry the creep off...

:40:44 some waitress with two kids.
- That’s enough.

- To prove he was normal.
- Don’t be such a smart-ass.

Anyway, her car’s in front
of the office, but no sign of her.

And Hallet said he was
coming over here...

:40:54 pick up some jelly glasses
or something like that.

Yeah, well, you see,
they’re still here waiting for her.
