The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

- No one’s touched them.
- So she never came by, huh?

- No.
- So you came looking for her here?

I came here because I thought
that Rynn might be alone.

Did you think that fink would be
waiting here for you to catch him?

Look, if you don’t want your mom
and dad to know you were here...

...don’t be such a smart-ass.
- Who’s a smart-ass?

Why don’t you teach him
some manners.

Oh, if Mrs. Hallet comes by, could
you have her call the police station?

- Okay?
- Fine.

- Thanks for the wine.
- Good night.

And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
- I mean, that was scary, wasn’t it?
- Yeah.

Wasn’t it? How’d you like the way
I made your father disappear?

- You lied.
- You bet your ass.

What did you want me
to do anyway?

Well, where do you think
you’re going?

Just testing.
Like, you don’t really want me to go
or anything, do you? Do you, huh?

- No.
- Oh, you got feelings, huh?

I thought you were
a piece of cardboard. Come.

Come on.
Are you crazy?
He’s back. Come on.
Go ahead, answer the door.

- You ready?
- Yeah, go ahead.

May I come in?
I think it’s time you and I
had a little talk, don’t you agree?

Are these the famous jelly jars?
Only two for dinner?
Did your father quit smoking, Rynn?
Give us a light, son.
