The Outlaw Josey Wales

Sergeant said this kid tried to ride
through their camp. They got him.

They did, did they?
They've had men on guard here
night and day.

No way Wales could get to the Nations.
Where are you going, Fletcher?
I'm heading into the Indian Nations.
Why don't you stay here, Redlegs?
Wales may be back in a year or two.
When we get to the Nations,
I want you men to fan out.

$5000 to the one who gets him.
A horned toad can tell you
which way to go.

I used to know these things
when I was young.

But when I got civilized,
I forgot all these things.

I didn't know which way to go.
The horned toad says
we should go to Mexico.

Well, Mr. Lone Watie...
:48:23 can take your horned toad
down Mexico way.

I've got some unfinished
business in Missouri.

I heard General Joe Shelby...
...and some men refused to surrender.
They're going down to Mexico.
I think I'll join them.
Shelby, huh?
I didn't know others
hadrt surrendered.

I didn't surrender, neither.
But they took my horse
and made him surrender.

They have him pulling a wagon
up in IKansas, I'll bet.

You haven't got a horse.
What do you plan on doing,
walking to Mexico?
