The Outlaw Josey Wales

But when I got civilized,
I forgot all these things.

I didn't know which way to go.
The horned toad says
we should go to Mexico.

Well, Mr. Lone Watie...
:48:23 can take your horned toad
down Mexico way.

I've got some unfinished
business in Missouri.

I heard General Joe Shelby...
...and some men refused to surrender.
They're going down to Mexico.
I think I'll join them.
Shelby, huh?
I didn't know others
hadrt surrendered.

I didn't surrender, neither.
But they took my horse
and made him surrender.

They have him pulling a wagon
up in IKansas, I'll bet.

You haven't got a horse.
What do you plan on doing,
walking to Mexico?

No, there's a trading post
right near the Creek Nation.

They got horses to trade.
You have any food here?
All I have is a piece of
hard rock candy.

But it's not for eating.
It's just for looking through.
All right.
I'll get you a horse.
What have you got there?
What the hell's that?
No, sir. You got to
come up with something more.
