Fun with Dick and Jane

La cena is ready.
- Thank you.
- Gracias.

I can't believe that Charlie fired you.
- Charlie fired me.
- Dirty rat.

After all the years of bottom-pinching
I took from him.

Does that mean we're gonna
be poor, like the Waltons?

No, Billy, it doesn't.
What are we gonna do about the pool?
We'll get it finished first.
We won't heat it.
Not until you get another job.
How will we swim in the pool
if it's cold?

Billy is right.
What will the neighbors say...

...if they don't see steam
coming off our pool on a chilly night?

I'm making some economies
around here.

- Billy, we'll give up our ski lessons.
- God!

- No more French wines at home, sir.
- Oh, God!

And I will drop
the Book of the Month Club.

What about my drum set?
Family, everything's gonna be all right.
There's absolutely nothing
to worry about.

Take that stuff up there.
You, in the truck,
watch those plants!

That stuff goes too.
Take it easy over there.

Watch those roots on that thing.
Hey, those plants go up next too, okay?
- Stop it!
- Hello, Mrs. Harper.

That goes next.
What in God's name
do you think you're doing?

You got our notice, Mrs. Harper?
- Yes. I sent you a check.
- Bouncy, bouncy. That's naughty.

Hey, watch those plants!
Watch that stuff.

- Get it up over there.
- I'll give you another check.

Two checks bounced already,
Mrs. Harper.

Your mother carried you for nine months,
but we'll only carry you for two.

Clear that bank off.
Just because the bank made a mistake
is no reason to come and dig up my tree!
