Smokey and the Bandit

# Everybody asked Bandit
how he made it down

# He said, ''Folks, when the truck
picked up too much speed

# ''I just run along beside it
and drug my feet''

# Ya heard the legend
of Jesse James

# And John Henry
just to mention some names

# Well, there's a truck-drivin' legend
in the South today

# A man called Bandit
from Atlanta, Ga.

# Every gearjammer
knows his name

# They swear he's got asphalt
a-runnin' in his veins

# A foot like lead
and nerves like steel

# He's goin' up to glory
ridin' 18 wheels

# Ah, tell me, boy
# Talk to me, guitar #
Hey, Kirk. How ya doin'?
Tod Engels. How are ya?
- This your rig, son?
- Yeah.

Open it up. Let's see the manifest.
Well, placin' you under arrest
for transportin' alcoholic beverages

across state lines
without the proper permits.

And that means you,
you dumb cowboy.

You know truckin' Coors beer
east of Texas is bootleggin'.

- This here's Georgia, son.
- Just a friendly bet.

These two old boys put me up to it.
Now, when ya gonna learn?
Big and Little Enos Burdette make that
same bet with every gearjammer they can.

I say he ain't gonna go
for your game.

Son, from what I've heard, the biggest
thing about the Bandit is his ego,

and I figure that, plus a lot of my dollars,
and he'll try anything, legal or not.

(ANNOUNCER) They've put on quite a show
for us today, haven't they, friends?

Yes, sir, you have seen some of
the finest gearjammin' in all of this country.
