Smokey and the Bandit

Nobody makes Sheriff Buford T. Justice
look like a possum's pecker.

- Except for that...
- Shut your ass.

- Break for that, Bandit One.
- Yeah, Snowman, come on back.

That was a Texas bubblegum machine
on your back door.

- A Texas bubblegum machine?
- Yeah, I saw him.

You ain't gonna believe this, but that crazy
sombitch tried to drive up under my truck.

What's a Texas county mountie
doing in Arkansas?

- I don't know.
- I don't know.

I don't know!
- Well, who the hell knows?
- I really don't know.

What we're dealin' with here is
a complete lack of respect for the law.

This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice.

I'm in pursuit of a black TransAm.
He's all mine, so stay outta the way.
This is Sheriff George Branford
of Deeson County, Arkansas.

We are apprised of the situation
and are taking appropriate measures.

Did you say you are a sheriff?
That's a big 10-4!
This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice
of Texas!

Texas? You know, of course,
that you're out of your jurisdiction.

I suggest that you let my department
handle the situation.

That's very comfortin',
but I'm in a high-speed pursuit.

- Don't you hear good?
- I hear perfectly.

The fact that you are a sheriff
is not germane to the situation.

The goddamn Germans
got nothin' to do with it!

- What?
- Shut up! One shit at a time!
