The Deep

Come on, Treece!
All right, what the hell's going on?
Take it up.
We'll take it out right after this.
He's the only man alive who might know
one of these ampoules on sight.

Can I show him your map?
He's the sole survivor
of the Goliath, you see.

Thank you.
Now, then, Adam...
...this one of your legendary ampoules?
It's the real thing, all right.
The old girl's finally
lost her virginity.

My friends found it there.
The way she's lying,
the storm must've flipped her around.

She was never this close
to the edge of the reef before.

You're lucky.
Five people have died
over the last 30 years...

...trying to crawl inside that ship.
Blew themselves up
poking torches around.

There's enough live ammo there
to blow up the island.

Will somebody cut the crap?
Blew themselves up for what?

It was a military ship. It went down
with munitions and medical supplies.

Or so they say.
They're there.
All right, what's there?
Ninety-eight thousand ampoules.
I packed them myself.
Jesus, why didn't you tell us the truth?
We wouldn't have had that run-in
with the Haitian.
