The Deep

The old girl's finally
lost her virginity.

My friends found it there.
The way she's lying,
the storm must've flipped her around.

She was never this close
to the edge of the reef before.

You're lucky.
Five people have died
over the last 30 years...

...trying to crawl inside that ship.
Blew themselves up
poking torches around.

There's enough live ammo there
to blow up the island.

Will somebody cut the crap?
Blew themselves up for what?

It was a military ship. It went down
with munitions and medical supplies.

Or so they say.
They're there.
All right, what's there?
Ninety-eight thousand ampoules.
I packed them myself.
Jesus, why didn't you tell us the truth?
We wouldn't have had that run-in
with the Haitian.

The name's Cloche.
The fact that you knew nothing
saved you.

I wasn't sure myself until now.
It's the first time
he's told me the truth!

Adam, what do you reckon happened
to the rest of them, then?

They're probably all smashed up
by the ordnance now.

The way she's lying, there won't be any
steel plate to have to burrow through.

They've performed an autopsy on it
with everything but forceps...

...but nobody found one of those before.
We found one.
Well, we are having a wonderful day,
aren't we?

How come nobody found one?
The sea's a joke, my boy.
Loves to fool you.

Dive one day, you find nothing.
That night, it blows up a storm.

Go back again, the same spot,
you find a carpet of golden coin.

We just had one of the worst storms
we had in 10 years, haven't we?

Goddamn it! Coffin!
" Coffin! Goddamn it! Coffin!"
