The Gauntlet

What's going to happen at the border?
We'll pick up an escort
to take us to Phoenix.

Arizona police.
How do you know?
Because l asked for them.
Did you call the same person
you telephoned from the house?

When l saw you back in the culvert
you said you'd been set up.

lt seemed that way at the time.
What's changed since then?
What are you trying to say?
Somebody's trying to kill me.
Since you're along,
you're a target too.

The car that blew up,
and the guys who shot at us. . .

. . .could've been the Mob.
But back at the house,
those were cops outside.

Somehow they got the wrong message.
Maybe it was a legitimate mistake.
Maybe not.

But if it wasn't. . .
. . .who would've given them
the wrong message?

How would l know?
Not my guys.
Not the guys on my own force,
for chrissake!

You're probably right.
But let's just say that
there's a chance you're wrong.

Just one chance in a thousand.
The state line's a pretty
lonely place to find out.

Hear what she said
about your own people?

You going to sit there
and take that shit?

How far is the state line?
About 1 0 miles.
l really do have a college degree.
