The Gauntlet

But if it wasn't. . .
. . .who would've given them
the wrong message?

How would l know?
Not my guys.
Not the guys on my own force,
for chrissake!

You're probably right.
But let's just say that
there's a chance you're wrong.

Just one chance in a thousand.
The state line's a pretty
lonely place to find out.

Hear what she said
about your own people?

You going to sit there
and take that shit?

How far is the state line?
About 1 0 miles.
l really do have a college degree.
State line's just beyond
that next rise up there.

Good thing you're out of here.
l ever see you again,
you've had it.

l may be wrong.
But what if l'm right?
Pull over here.
Pull over and stop!
The hell, you say!
