House Calls

I’d love to.
I can’t afford one.

There’s the urine analysis,
the chest plates,
the liver function,

the blood count,
the electrocardiogram...

The Mercedes, the Gucci loafers,
the conventions in Acapulco.

I’ve never been to Acapulco.
What are you talking about?

As a matter of fact,
you know that...

Excuse me. I would
like to ask a question.

Would you excuse me?
Thank you.

I want to know why, when the
bills come in, it always says:

“Make checks payable
to Internal Medicines, Inc.”

Or “Surgical Procedures, Inc.”
Isn’t there
something peculiar

about all these
incorporated doctors?

What the hell
is so peculiar...

Is it okay to say “hell”?
You said it before.

Thousands of
doctors incorporate.

Yes, but...
Just one moment please.
Albert Schweitzer didn’t.

He was not in our tax bracket.
Look, I know that there are
a lot of things wrong

with the medical profession.
Who said that?
They must be crazy.

Believe me,
we are trying to change it,

but it must be done slowly
and patiently and tactfully.


Perhaps you could tell me
what is tactful

about a road-traffic accident?
If I am smashed to pieces
by a car...

That’s very, very provoking.
Thank you, Mrs. Atkinson,
Dr. Nichols, Mr. Quinn.

Next week,
our program will be

Transvestism: Aberration
or Alternate Lifestyle?

I didn’t ask
to be born in England.

Just as you didn’t ask
to be born in America.

What’s left is spiritualism,
or reincarnation, or suttee.

What about Indian suttee,
perhaps we could go to India?

Your producer friend
was right.

You do have a big mouth.
Oh, we were just saying
you defended
yourself brilliantly.

I couldn’t get
a word in edgewise.

But when you did,
they were masterful.

I wouldn’t go
to masterful.

We would, right?
Yes, we’ll get
an enormous response.

I need more
practice at this.

What I need is
a cup of coffee.

I’ll buy.
Thank you.
I’m sorry. I can’t
remember your first name.

I’ve always
liked that name.

Thank you, Doctor.
Mine’s Charley. Really?
I’ve always liked that name.

You’re kidding.
No, it was my mother’s.

It’s my own fault.
If I hadn’t been
so conscientious,
