House Calls

Great game.
Great game!

The lead keeps switching
hands, back and forth.

Impossible to predict.
I was listening on
the radio. UCLA won a...

No, no, no, no!
Why did you tell me?
What’s the sense
in watching now?

All the suspense is gone.
I’m very sorry. I thought
you’d like to know the score.

112 to 110. Double overtime,
whatever that may mean.

112 to 110?
Double overtime.
What ever happened to that
wonderful hospital robe

that you swiped
from Kensington General?

I, uh, donated it
to the Smithsonian.

I thought I’d get
a nice tax deduction

if I had anything
to deduct it from.

Would you like
some egg rolls?

No, thank you.
Do you have any fruit?

I know this film.
A golden oldie
if ever there was one.

Oh, just look
at that kiss.

The next shot
is of a curtain blowing
gently at an open window,

which indicates to us
that just outside
the camera’s range,

a little sensitive
screwing is going on.

It’s much prettier
that way.

Oh, it certainly is,
but much less practical
if not downright impossible.

You remember,
then they couldn’t even
show a couple in bed

unless they were fully dressed and
each had at least one foot on the floor.

Who says it’s impossible
with one foot on the floor?

Evidently, they thought so.
Isn’t it?
I mean,
theoretically speaking?

Here, let me
have that, please.

Thank you.
Now, lay flat. Flat.

Come on, come on.
And put one foot,
your right foot, on the floor.

Right foot.
