
Thank you. Kim Burrell, is that you?
Well, there's always
tomorrow for that swim.

Yeah. Let's do it tomorrow.
- What are you doin'?
- Did I tell you about Mo Schneider?

- Who's that?
- This guy they sent me to find one time.

He was a plumber. He kept running off
and getting busted for indecent exposure.

What are you doin' there?
Mo was in the poky so many times that
he developed a regular escape routine.

Being a plumber,
he used what he knew best.

What the hell was that?
What are you doing? Are you all right?
Christ, listen.
This, uh, this plan,
whatever it is, did it ever work?

No. But he came pretty
close a couple of times.

Pretty damn close.
What's all that racket? Sounds like the
roof fell in. What's all this water from?

Something's leaking,
and I'll catch pneumonia if it doesn't stop.

- What's the matter with that sink trap?
- I've tried,

but I'm just not strong enough
to put the pipes back together.

All right. Stand back, I'll take a look at it.
What the hell did you do to this thing?
Tryin' to crawl through the drainpipe?
