Same Time, Next Year

I'm a married man
with three children.

I thought it would make me
seem less married.

All right, I didn't think
it through, all right?

There's been like a lead weight
inside me all morning.

I mean, denying little Debbie like that!
I was under a certain stress
or I wouldn't have done it.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Y-You understand?

Sure. We all do
dopey things sometimes.

I really should be going.
The nuns are gonna be wondering
what happened to me.

Did you say nuns?

Yeah, somehow it just didn't seem
right to bring up last night,

but I was on my way
to retreat.


See, it's right near here.
I go every year at this time when
Harry takes the kids to Bakersfield.

What's in Bakersfield?
His mother.

It's her birthday.
Doesn't she mind that you
don't go? No, she hates me.

'Cause I got pregnant. Her son
had something to do with that.

Yeah, she blocks that
out of her mind.

See, he was in his first year
of dental college...

and he had to quit and take a
job selling waterless cooking.

So now every year on her
birthday, I just go on retreat.

To think about God?
Well, him too, sure,
but also about myself...

'cause, see, I got pregnant
when I was just 18,

so I've never really
had any time to just think.

You know,
I mean, about,

what I think about.

Never mind. I don't know
what I'm trying to say.

Sometimes I think I'm crazy. Why?
