All Quiet on the Western Front

You think I don't care about Franz.
Of course I care.
If I could save his leg or life, I'd
walk over barbed wire. You know that.

But where he's going,
he won't need his boots.

He won't need anything.
And my boots hurt. They really hurt.
Why should some damn orderly
get his boots

and not one of his friends.
He's right, Paul.
I know.
Very good, Kemmerich.
Very good, Kemmerich.
They've amputated my leg.
Could be worse.
Wegler lost his right arm,
which is very much worse.

Besides, you're going home.
Do you think so?
Of course.
Do you think so?
Once you get over the operation.
I don't think so.
Don't talk nonsense.
I wanted to be a forester once.
You will.
