Life of Brian

How blessed are those who know
that He's a god.

How blessed are the sorrowful.
They shall find consolation.

How blessed are those
of gentle spirit.

They shall have the earth
for their possession.

How blessed are those
who hunger and thirst...

to see right prevail.
They shall be satisfied.
How blessed are those
whose hearts are pure.

They shall see God.
Speak up!
Shhh. Quiet, Mum.

Well, I can't hear a thing.
Let's go to the stoning.

We can go to a stoning anytime.

Oh, come on, Brian.
Will you be quiet?

Don't pick your nose.
I wasn't picking my nose.
I was scratching.

You was picking it
while you was talking to that lady.

I wasn't.
Leave it alone. Give it a rest.

Do you mind?
I can't hear a word he's saying.

Don't you "do you mind" me!
I was talking to my husband.

Well, go and talk to him somewhere else.
I can't hear a bloody thing.

Don't you swear at my wife.
I was only asking her to shut up so
we can hear what he's saying, Big Nose.

Don't you call my husband "Big Nose".
Well, he has got a big nose.

Could you be quiet, please?
What was that?

I was too busy
talking to Big Nose.

I think it was,
"Blessed are the cheese makers".

What's so special
about the cheese makers?

Well, obviously, it's not meant
to be taken literally.

It refers to any manufacturers
of dairy products.

See, if you hadn't been going on,
we'd have heard that, Big Nose.

Hey! Say that once more,
I'll smash your bloody face in.

Better keep listening. Might be a bit
about, "Blessed are the Big Noses".

Oh, lay off him.
Oh, you're not so bad
yourself, Conch Face.

Where are you two from,
Nose City?

One more time, mate, I'll
take you to fuckin' cleaners!
