Life of Brian

Larks' tongues.
Wren's livers.

Chaffinch brains.
Jaguars' earlobes.

Wolf's nipple chips. Get 'em
while they're hot. They're lovely.

Dromedary pretzels, only half a denar.
Tuscany fried bats.

I do feel, Reg, that any
antilmperialist group like ours...

must reflect such a divergence
of interest within its power base.

Oh, great. Francis?
Yeah, I think Judith's point
of view is very valid, Reg,

provided the movement
never forgets...

that it is the inalienable
right of every man
Or woman.

or woman
to rid himself

Or herself.
or herself

Thank you, brother.

Or sister.
Or sister.

Where was I?
I think you finished.
Oh, right.

Furthermore, it is
the birthright of every man

Or woman.
Why don't you shut up about women?

Women have a perfect right
to play a part in our movement.

Why are you always on
about women, Stan?

I want to be one.
I want to be a woman.

From now on, I want you all
to call me "Loretta".

It's my right as a man.

Well, why do you want
to be Loretta, Stan?

I want to have babies.
You want to have babies?
It's every man's right
to have babies if he wants them.

But you can't have babies.
Don't you oppress me.

I'm not oppressing you.
You haven't got a womb.

Where is the fetus
gonna gestate?

You're gonna keep it
in a box?

Here, I've got an idea.
Suppose you agree that
he can't actually have babies,

not having a womb which is
nobody's fault, not even the Romans'

but that he can have
the right to have babies?

Good idea, Judith.
We shall fight the oppressors...

for your right to have
babies, brother

Sister. Sorry.
What's the point?

What's the point of fighting
for his right to have babies...

when he can't have babies?
It is symbolic of our
struggle against oppression.
