Moskva slezam ne verit

Vadik? Of course, I remember.
What dormitory? Oh, that's our
granny. She's a great joker.

Some cousins came to visit
and now she's complaining
that our place is like a dormitory.

Everyone wants to come to Moscow,
but we can't live like sardines.

Today? No, I can't.
It's daddy's birthday.

Tomorrow? I'd better call you back.
I'll be in class all day.

- Dormitory!
- What else should I say?

- Why don't you just say ''hello''?
- Hello? How was I supposed to know?

Fate flies like a rocket
in one huge parabola,

Sometimes along a rainbow,
but mostly in the pitch-dark cupola.

There lived a red-headed artist,
well-known as Gauguin.

A Bohemian, though
he started as a two-bit salesman.

To end up in the Louvre,
originating in Montmartre,

He made a detour
via Java and Sumatra.

He rocketed,
forgetting the madness of money...

What's he trying to say?
After five years of slaving,
buried in textbooks,

you're supposed to go in a factory?
What kind of life is that?

What kind of life do you want?
Stop necking on the street.
You're in a public place.

This chemistry of yours is so
boring. Nothing but formulas.

You don't understand.
Chemistry's the future of mankind.

You should be thinking more
about your present.

- Hey, girls, what about...
- Get lost, will you.

Why did you do that?
They look nice to me.

That's right, just nice.
In Moscow on a quota, just like us.
