Moskva slezam ne verit

Now all his friends have disappeared
and left him all alone.

I'm sure he'll get better.
I thought so too at first,
I even took him to see doctors.

How I begged!
I've done my best.

Marina, why don't you have
some more?

Do you know how workers were hired
in the old days?

Shut up, I wasn't talking to you.
You're always interrupting me.

Marina has never heard this story.
They gave a worker all the food
he wanted.

If the man ate poorly,
he wasn't allowed to work there.

What have I done wrong?
I want some bread.

I met a client whose husband
hunts whales for a living.

They make a beauty cream on the side.
You use a little at bedtime, and in
the morning your wrinkles disappear.

What do they put in the cream?
I swear, your skin'll look like

All our players have gotten jobs.
I've been asked to coach
several times.

For years I didn't realize
how I was living.

I haven't been to a game
in over a year.

No, I've got to call it quits.
Right. You're still a young man.
A man can start over again
if he really wants to.
