Over the Edge

Just a little New Granada hospitality.
Fred Willat owns the local
dealership here, Mr. Sloan...

Now, Jerry, you just call me Roy.
Jerry Cole takes care of that.
I've got enough trouble...

...taking care of the Cadillac agency,
you know?

But like I said, it is a little slow right now.
We're in what we refer to as hiatus.

- The hiatus.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Hey, Carl.
- Carl, come on.
- I like it. I like it.

Who does your face these days?
- Jesus, Carl, what happened to you?
- I got jumped.

- Are you okay?
- I'm all right.

Who beat you up? He did a great job.
- Never mind.
- Was it the disgusting people...

...from Planet Pork?
He's a fox.
Who nailed you, man?
Mark Perry and that gorilla
he hangs out with.

Yeah? Your parents blow up on you?
No, not really.
Hang in there, man.
- Man, are you all right?
- I'm all right.

What are you, into brass knuckles
and baseball bats?

- I didn't volunteer for this, man.
- It's okay, man. You look like a fighter.

It's open.
- Anything wrong, officer?
- Not with me.

Why are you hanging around?
Just wanna make the kids paranoid?

Spoke to Jerry Cole.
Said he'd talk to you...

...about shutting down today?
- I told him, and I'm telling you now:

The rec stays open.
It's the only place these kids can go.

- That's a little more important...
- Heard there was hash being sold here.

- No chance that would happen here?
- No chance.

Look, you know these kids
can't bring drugs to the rec.

All the old familiar faces.
You are violating a city ordinance
coming in here.

Whose permission do I need?
Ours, faggot. You don't belong here.
