Stir Crazy

It's chilling. It's frighteningly real.
It's almost surreal.

Will you shut up until we get out
of this mess you got us into?

Let's go. And no slow bucking.
-Sir, how come--?
-Shut up, asshole, and move out!

This is from the Middle Ages.
How do they expect you to move?

I bet this whole thing is illegal.
-Sir, wasn't this whole contraption--?
-Keep moving, turkey!

Get up. Get up!
You're gonna have to learn
the hard way, fella.

I was right.
This is illegal and he knows it.

Jesus! The man
ain't never gonna learn.

Maybe after they hit him a few times.
Just get into the flow of it.
Don't fight the metal.

I'm not. It's fighting me.
-What you up for, Sweetpants?
-We're innocent. I swear we are.

My name ain't no goddamn "Sweetpants."
Holy shit!
-I have the swing of it now. Thanks.

-I'm Skip Donahue.
-Jesus Ramirez.

Nice to meet you.
Why are you here?

I've been here seven years,
away from my beautiful Teresa.

I was in court on an appeal hearing.
Lost again.

They accused me
of robbing several banks.

I was drunk, but I'm positive
I only robbed one bank. You?

My friend and I were doing
a song and dance act.
