Stir Crazy

Get up. Get up!
You're gonna have to learn
the hard way, fella.

I was right.
This is illegal and he knows it.

Jesus! The man
ain't never gonna learn.

Maybe after they hit him a few times.
Just get into the flow of it.
Don't fight the metal.

I'm not. It's fighting me.
-What you up for, Sweetpants?
-We're innocent. I swear we are.

My name ain't no goddamn "Sweetpants."
Holy shit!
-I have the swing of it now. Thanks.

-I'm Skip Donahue.
-Jesus Ramirez.

Nice to meet you.
Why are you here?

I've been here seven years,
away from my beautiful Teresa.

I was in court on an appeal hearing.
Lost again.

They accused me
of robbing several banks.

I was drunk, but I'm positive
I only robbed one bank. You?

My friend and I were doing
a song and dance act.

Must have been pretty bad.
Excuse me. I'm not very good
at these written tests.

I think you'll get much more of my
original flavour in an oral exam--

You know, I'm just about to lose
my patience with you.

-I was trying to explain--
-Keep writing, shitface!

Two pears, three apples....
Listen. A kid tried that on me once
at Camp Minikani in Vermont.

I hit him so hard his braces
ripped his whole upper lip.

His mother had to come get him
in the middle of the season.
